Naturopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the principle that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself.
It is a holistic, patient centred approach to healing and wellbeing with a focus on optimising health.
Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treating the whole person, not just the symptoms or affected area.
Naturopathy encompasses a variety of treatment methods including:
Naturopathy can alleviate a wide range of conditions and is suitable for all ages. Some of the more common conditions treated include fatigue, stress related ailments, digestive problems, PMT and anxiety/depression. However, you do not need to be unwell to benefit from naturopathy.
Naturopathic treatments boost the body’s natural healing potential, restoring harmony and preventing disease.
Naturopathy is a distinct and complete system of health care. Six foundational principles underpin the practice of naturopathy and help guide practitioners in the care of their patients:
Vis medicatrix naturae sees the role of the practitioner as finding the cause (tolle causum) of the disturbance of vital force. The practitioner must then do no harm (primum non nocere) by using gentle, safe and non-invasive treatments from nature to restore the vital force, and use preventative medicine (preventare) by teaching (docere – doctor as teacher) the principles of good health, to treat the whole person (tolle totum) in body, mind and spirit.